On my last evening on board a huge thunderstorm crashed down on Biograd. Already in the early evening the air was humid, the atmosphere was charged and the sky was full of dark clouds, which moved dangerously in our direction. After our dinner in Bistro Figa and a short end-of-trip beer we therefore headed quickly back to the port. Everything was still quiet, the birds fell silent, even the crickets stopped their singing. A threatening silence descended on the otherwise lively Biograd.
On the way home, it starts to rain. As we accelerate our steps, we already feel the strong wind of the upcoming thunderstorm. Now we have to be fast. The ship is calm and well moored in front of us, but the storm is rapidly approaching. As we are already on our jetty, the air starts to explode. Lightning flashes to the left and right of us. It crashes and the discharged tension makes the ships tremble. The wind blows the rain cover and dashes the water up and down. A storm gust sweeps off the mattress of the sailing boat next to us. Everything that is not well fastened today is a toy for the wind. The swirling water makes the boats perform an abstract dance. The boat vibrates. The ropes groan as they pull the boat back and forth. Along the windows the rain is heavily pouring down. Again a flashlight and the sky is brightly lit, followed closely by a thunder that causes our ship to quake.
The storm grips us for 40 minutes until it finally moves on. The heavy rain has been whipped under our rain cover. The air is cool, but pleasant. Only once we are sure that the thunderstorm cell has passed by we snuggle into our bunk beds.
Thunderstorm above Biograd
Hi Anita !
Deine Beschreibung trifft es ganz genau. Es war wirklich imposant.
Diese Nacht in der Marina zu verbringen war eine gute Entscheidung.
Viele Bussi Papa
Oh ja, an einer Boje wäre das bestimmt gefährlich gewesen. Hoffentlich bleibt das Wetter so schön wie heute! bussi anita
Hi, Anlta. Ich hab erst einmal ein Gewitter am Meer erlebt. Das war wirklich imposant, gleich einem Gewitter in den Bergen.
Bussi Jutta