
45 degrees, the sun is burning the earth. The warm breeze almost feels like sauna. I wanted to take the road that is less used and left the freeway some time ago. Suddenly I am somewhere between public and private national parks. Next to me, a zebra is grazing. I am alone on this gravel road. I wonder how long my little Suzuki will endure and I’m glad that the streets didn’t see rain in a while.

After some time I arrive at my destination: the Woodbury Tented Camp in the Amakhala Game Reserve. In contrast to other accomodations, there is still an adventurers vibe in these tents – in most of the private parks luxus-lodges are more common. But even here I enjoy some convenience – there is a bathroom, a real bed, even heating matrasses to stay comfy during cold bush nights.

I’m staying for 3 nights and sign up for all activities that bring me out to the African bush: twice a day we have a game drive (a trip with the jeep), I do a walking-trail, a night drive and a horse trail.

The experience is overwhelming.

Here the pictures.

If you want to see very special pictures, check out Donovan Huletts Facebook page. As ranger in the park he has photo opportunities like nobody else.



  1. Guten Morgen Anita!
    E N D L I C H Hab schon so auf die Bilder von deiner Safari gewartet. Mit deiner tollen Beschreibung dazu bin ich gleich eingetaucht in die Landschaft und Tierwelt. Super was du alles erlebst.
    die Bilder von dem Ranger sind wirklich sehenswert.
    Dickes Bussi von Mama

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