The weather is grey and dull. It’s getting colder every day. Gradually it’s about time to unpack the gloves. Since days the sun was hidden behind dark clouds.
Noooo… I don’t want to accept that the summer is over. That’s far to quick for me. It was just incredibly warm and now I have to consider buying a winter coat??
But stop: I don’t have to. I am mobile 😛 Logical conclusion – pampampam: I extend the summer!
My second travel-work-assignment starts and where could it be nicer than in beautiful Sevilla. A real pearl, which can be easily discovered by walk or with the bicycle. I am looking forward to temperatures around 30 degrees, Tapas and Vino Tinto – and I am looking forward to work. With my employer I agreed upon a couple of tasks which I will accomplish during traveling. I stay in contact with the colleagues over phone and emails and – if everything works out fine – I will be able to use a VPN to connect to the company network soon.
My travel route will somehow look like this:
Sevilla – Madrid – San Sebastian – Bordeaux – La Rochelle
In between I will do several day trips and I hope that I can arrange a surf course somewhere close to Vieux-Boucau-les-Bains. The best about it: I did not yet book my return ticket, so I can extend the route as long as I wish. 😀
And because every blog entry is nicer with pictures, here you can find some impressions of my short trips during September:
Wanderlust Festival in Vienna
Party in Prag
Sunshine in Sevilla
Hi Anita!
Deine Reiselust ist ansteckend! 🙂
Würde am liebsten auch schon wieder meinen Koffer packen.
Viel Spass Bussi Mama
Hahaa, ja wir könnten uns in Bordeaux treffen 😀