
My landlady is a lovely elderly person. She lives in the Zonnebloem district (Sun flower) – previously known as Distrikt 6, an area full of artists, traders and underground-jazz. Today you can just find street hip-hop and graffiti. During Apartheid black people and people of color have been banished and their houses have been destroyed. Nearly all non-whites were resettled to the townships, to grant space to the “upper class”. My landlady was one of them.

The area lied fallow for years and after the official end of Apartheid it took almost 10 years until the government under Nelson Mandela invested into the district and enabled the return of the population. In Austria that was the time when “Shut up” from Black Eyed Peas was hitting the radio.

So my landlady fought her whole life against suppression. Completely understandable that she has some resentments. Still I am surprised by her harshness, as she starts to chat during the breakfast:
She made already 9 trips to 4 different countries – clearly: South Africa is the best country in the world. She would never travel to Europe. She contempts the white South Africans. The Americans have stolen the diamonds of her country. Driving force behind ISIS are American jews.
The Burgenländer (east-Austrian) next to me agrees and confirms her – the world is doomed. But in his view it’s all the fault of the British.


Imizamu Yethu Township


Bo Kamp Quarter (Cape Malayan Quarter)

Harbour Cruise


  1. haha klingt nach einem wirklich guten, politischen Gespräch 🙂

    Viel Spass und nicht mit Bildern sparen 😉
    Bussis aus dem tiefen Winter in Österreich

  2. Hi Anita !
    Wie hat dir heute das Frühstück geschmeckt !?
    Aber es ist schon so wie die Dagmar angemerkt hat, andere Leute , andere
    Viele Bussi uns Danke für die tollen Bilder

  3. Hi Schwesterherz!
    Oh das ist einfach super interessant! Reisen ist einfach so spannend, weil man immer was Neues entdecken kann, andere Leute, andere Ansichten, andere Hintergründe, …
    Da passt jetzt der Spruch, den mir die Carina gezeigt hat:

    The worl is a book, and those who do not travel, read only a page.

    Dickes Bussi,
    dein Schwesterlein

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