Today I have a photo(love)story for you. Many croatian islands have been strategic military places – especially in the 4., 5. and 6. Century as part of the „limes maritimus“ during Justinians war against the Ostrogothic Kingdom of Italy. Therefore it’s not surprising that there is a fortress on Zirje, and it’s possible pay a visit to the ruins. Hereafter you can follow my walk around the island.
For info: Due to this magic place I got another creative idea in preparation – you will hear more about it in the following days in the category „Under construction“.
Please join me on my walk
A few steps away from the coastline starts the village road. Here my walk around the island has its beginning.
I’m passing by an old house which was built of massive stones – this style was typical for croatian islands. The stonewalls which are visible ever so often also have an important purpose:
Initially they were built to separate the plots. Since the venetian vessel fully consumed the woods of the region, the purpose of the walls has changed. The reforestation of the woods and bushes is rather difficult and with the walls they are protected from heavy gusts and the washout of soil nutrients.
Following my way I’m passing by
an old Benedictine Monastery. The size of the building is impressive.
Going here and there, I find some precious places which seem to origin in a different century – gooses in an elementary shed, windswept trees and a master in camouflage – can you see the small animal in the picture?
As I walk the path leads to the fortress. An interesting story is hidden in the wells of this ruin which was actually in force only about 20 years. The view is incredible. In front of me the island opens up to the water. At the backside it slightly descends until it ends it the calm bay. But the front side steeply dips into the water – for any enemy an impregnable fortress.
As I decend towards the bay I walk on a small path through the forest.
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My walk ends at the restaurant of the Stupica-Bay. A cute cat-mom is rather busy with her kittens – but she still enjoys a few scratches 🙂
Liebe Anita, ich vetfolge ja stets deinen Blog. Heute fand ich es besonders interessant.
Toll, dass du mich an deiner Reise teilnehmen lässt.
Freue mich schon auf den nächsten Eintrag.
Ganz liebe Grüße Jutta
Vielen Dank Jutta!